Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011
Baños - Coca - Loreto
After workin 4 weeks the travel wents on to Baños. There are a beautful and amzing landscape with many possibilieties for adventure. The first evening we took a truck and drove up the vulcano. We watched the city from the up hill. Beautiful panorama. You could see the that the city was built in the old lake of the volcan. Next day we started a tour on the bikes along the waterfalls. One more amazing than the other. But they are so strong you will be wet all over if you go to near to it. But the weather was good so it was not a problem. After it we did a adventure in the waterfalls. Canyoning - up and down the waterfalls with a rope. Great and wet ;) It was really funny and we took a lot of funny pictures.
In the night I went on to Coca. A good place for starting tours in the jungle. First I didn t found a grou I could go with. And alone it would be too expensive. But then the guide phoned me there are some people for a three day trip. We started the next mornin with an small boat. Five hours down the river deeper and deeper in the jungle. We arrived a Lodge where we camped. But before there were a lot of things to see. Floweres insects....we ate lemon ants. They taste really good. Playing Tarzan and Jane and swinging with al liane. Before dinner we had to catch the food. Pyranhias....que rico! After dinner we went out with boat again for watching caymans...we saw one, the eyes reflected in the light.
The next day we drove with a kanu through the small canals. Watched the animlas and plants. And took a bath in the river and swam around. Amazing. then we drove on to the next sleeping place. A lonly island in the river. Romantico. We serched eggs from the turtles for the brackfast. On the last day we watched loras and visited a museum about the underwaterworld. The day ended after a strong rainshower back in Coca. How amazing three days.
Next stop was in Loreto. Famouse for its waterfalls and cabernas. Really beautiful. Now I am back in Quito and enjoy my last days in the moste beatiful country I was.

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Sonntag, 27. November 2011
workin and living in the jungle
My time in the working project as a volunteer now is over. In the morning I left there. It was very sad because I like the place, the people and the calm work very much. At with the most there will be no more contact because they don t have mail accounts or something like this. The week before was very calm. We work, feeded the monkey and other animals and cooked a lot. On my one free day I was in Misuahlli. It is a small town near my zoo. It has a amazing beach at the river and free living monkey drinking coke from the tourists. There I met a Ecuadorian man who wanted to talk...and talk....and talk....he told about comunism and history and I don t know. It was too much and there was no possibility to flew ;) After that I went on to the waterfalls. Really amazing. But noone said me how the way is, so I only had my Flip Flops. But it was was a really muddy way. Esspecially after the rain from the night before. So I went one barefeet in the mud and stood there until the knees. So I went on but only reached the first waterfall of the three. But it weas a great experience with the noices of the animals, the plants and all around. I was alone on the way. At the waterfall I took a shower and cleand up my clothes. One the way back I could hitchiking on a Pick up. I love it and will miss it...
This week ther was a lot of work on the field. I didn t know how dangerous it could be...We found a Baby Viper ( if it bite you you are dead until 30min ) We saw a dart frog, really nice in black and green but toxical too. And in one corner there was a complete nest of a snake. A lot of skins and now it should be one metre. But we didn t saw it.
On Friday I was in a canvas. Really fascinating. Deep water, darkness, thinn air, rare types of spiders....and the best a whole bath of mineral mud. I took a bath...amazing, and now my skin ins like the one of a baby ;) Once more I took the shower in the waterfall but this time in the canvas.

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Dienstag, 15. November 2011
jungle hhistories - sorry in german
Meine Mitbewohnerin war am WE auf einer Tour mit dem Pferd und ist runtergefallen hat sich den Arm gebrochen und liegt im Krankenhaus. Wurde zweimal umverlegt bis sie operiert werden konnte. Habe ihr geholfen, sie besucht und um mich um den Kram drumherum gekuemmert. Ist alles etwas anders hier. Da muessen die angehoerigen das Zeug aus der Apotheke holen so wie Gips und Medis....alles ist offen udn Du siehst die anderen in der Notaufnahme. Auch reden die Securities mit Dir ;) Am Samstag war ich alleine vier Stunden in Tena im Spital bis sie versorgt eingegipst und aufgenommen war. Jetzt ist sie in Quito und kommt vielleicht am Mittwoch zurueck.
Dafuer wird es mit den anderen Arbeitern immer besser. Die brauchen hier einfach laenger bis sie warm werden. Aber dann ist es echt angenehm.
Naechsten Sonntag mache ich eine Tour tiefer in den Jungle rein.
War diese Woche schon ein bisschen. War mit Flip Flops unterwegs...war ein bisschen ein Fehler. Es stand Spaziergang....die ersten Meter waren auch gepflastert aber dann war es eben Jungleweg...und in der Nacht davor hatte es geregnet. Also war es matschig und glitschig, bin dann barfuss weiter und stand irgendwann bis zu den Schienbeinen im Matsch dann bin ich umgekehrt und habe auf die letzten zwei Wsserfaelle verzichtet. Bin dann zurueck zum ersten, habe dort meine Klamotten gewaschen und geduscht. Super angenehm :) Nur zu empfehlen!
Letzte Woche war ein Fest in Tena und alle groesseren Stationen mussten dafuer kochen auch wir. Stand also viel in der Kueche, war aber sehr interressantum etwas von hier zu lernen. dann mussten wir das Zeug dahin fahren. Mussten auf der ladeflaeche mitfahren damit nichtss umfaellt, sassen auf der kante des Transporters und sind mit 100 Sachen ueber die Strasse gefegt. Ist hier alles etwas einfacher und leichter. Macht Spass den Wind so um die nase pfeiffen zu lassen.
An einem Abend waren wir mit ein paar Jungs von hier unterwegs. Sind dann zurueck. dann haben vor unserer Tuere die naechsten gewartet und wollten nochmal mit uns weg...das hatten dann die anderen mitbekommen und dem einen von der ersten Gruppe das gar nicht gepasst. Waren beide an mir interessiert und haben sich dann erstmal fast gepruegelt. Habe dann einen zurueckgehalten und beruhigt, jetzt ist der andere sauer, weil er denkt ich sei mit dem zusammen und redet kein Wort mehr mit mir und schaut mich nur boese an ;) Maenner! Aber irgendwie schmeichelhaft!

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Montag, 7. November 2011
El Arca
Now I am here for some days in the zoo El Arca. It is a really nice surrounding. Beautiful nature and amazing animals. We are two volunteeres. The other girl is rom Austria and we share a room. At the moment our main work is to feed the little monkeys and hlp at all points there issomething to do. Painting and uilding the new cages or cleaning up the ways. The last days were hlidays here and so there were many tourists for looking the animals. We have long days here. Strating in the morning with the sun and ending short before the night. So at the working days we cannot do much more. But we enjoy the time and chill out. It is nice way to work. I likeit. Without any stress...At the nights we go out with the other workers from here or going in the swimmingpool or the river. I like the nauture here and it isnot so bad ith the humid I thought. One day I had t go with the owners to hange gooses. That was funny. There were at a farm and we had to catch them. run behind them until a corner and then....catch....I also get one. But you have to be carful they shit on you bcause there are afraid. Then the owner of the farm give me baby dog as a gift. But I gave it o the daughter of the zoo...sad...
Tomorrow and tuesday I have my free days. I will visit the surrounding and the next city called Tena. From there it is easy to go to the jungle deeper. So I will look for a nice tour.

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Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011
Fighting with the german banks
Om Friday I wanted to fly from cousco to Guayaquil. They say be two or three hours before on the airport. I was there but the airport was closed. Ot was too early. So I had to go back to the hostel and wait two hours more. The airport opend only two hours befor my flight. Second time there I wanted to ceck in. But it doesn t work. They said I have a reservation but no tiket. The ticket woul generated when the flight is paid. It is paid! The money wents of from my account. But it never reached the So I culdn t fly. I tried to phone the bank but they want some numbers to klick on the phone and they weren t transmitted. So I asked my mum for handle withe bank. While this I asked for the prces for another flight because I have to be in Quito on the 20.10 for my projct I will volunteering. It is incredible the proeces. So I took a bu (22h) to Lima. Arrived ther I also asked for the connections but it is too far away. The earliest arrive in Quito would at monday. Too late for me. So I went to the airport and bought a expensive, Now I am blanc. Arrived in Quito I talked to my parents for knowing what the bank said. They are so stupid. Because my mum phomes them they closed my account...So I can t do anythin onlie anymore. And they want a fax with my sign before I can talk with them again. But it is impossible to fund a international Fax. Even at the weekend...The whole time I didn t have problem with the compamies from south america. Sometimes there slow or not really organzied but all wents good. No the biggest problems are with the german ones....incredible. I hope I will get back my money. And then I will change the bank. Dont trust COMDIRECT ;)

Yesterday Quito there was a little earthquake. It felt really strane. All is trambling and it is lud. But it didn t happen anything bad.

Today I will go on to the project in the rainforest. Grow up baby animals a helping on the farm. I am exited!

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